Apple iPhone 7 Plus 128GB Jet Black Good at Lowest Price in UAE
5 min readJun 21, 2024


Apple iPhone 7 Plus 128GB Jet Black Good


Though not the newest model, among UAE smartphone aficioners the Apple iPhone 7 Plus 128GB Jet Black remains a favorite. Years after its first release, its combination of elegant design, strong performance, and dependable functionality makes it an interesting option. This page explores the several features of the iPhone 7 Plus and emphasizes why it remains a top choice in the UAE.

Design and Construction Standards

Renowned for its beautiful look is the iPhone 7 Plus 128GB Jet Black. The jet black finish has a classy and elegant, deep black look with excellent gloss. This model boasts a flawless unibody construction, which feels rather smooth in hand in addition to looking great. The precision-engineered aluminum body increases its resilience and adds to its longevity, therefore enabling daily use of this strong tool.

The iPhone 7 Plus’s elegant look and solid build quality have users in the UAE appreciative. In the UAE’s desert environment, the water and dust resistance (IP67) grade of the gadget is very helpful since it gives those who lead an active lifestyle extra piece of mind.

Accuracy and Performance: Specifications

Apple’s A10 Fusion CPU drives the iPhone 7 Plus under the hood; it provides remarkable performance even by today’s standards. The quad-core CPU guarantees responsive program use, flawless multitasking, and effective power management. Combining 3GB of RAM with the iPhone 7 Plus easily manages everything from casual browsing to intense gaming.

Running on iOS, the gadget gains from frequent upgrades maintaining its security and current with the newest features. The iPhone 7 Plus remains compatible with the most recent iOS releases, thereby guaranteeing that users in the UAE will always be able to enjoy a contemporary smartphone experience.

Camera powers

The twin-camera setup of the iPhone 7 Plus is among its best traits. Stunning images and videos are produced by the 12MP wide-angle and telephoto lenses working together. Introduced with this model, the Portrait mode lets users take blurred background effects and professional-quality images.

The iPhone 7 Plus shines in the UAE, where vivid cityscapes and beautiful scenery abound in picture chances. From sun-drenched deserts to midnight city lights, the camera performs brilliantly in a range of lighting settings, perfect for highlighting the beauty of the United Arab Emirates.

Apple iPhone 7 Plus 128GB Jet Black Good Camera

Battery Capacity and Charging

With its 2,900mAh battery, which can last through a whole day of moderate use, the iPhone 7 Plus presents excellent battery life. For UAE users who are frequently on the road, this lifespan is really vital. The gadget allows fast charging, therefore enabling a rapid power increase when needed.

Users in UAE’s hot environment can maximize battery life by following some basic advice including lowering screen brightness, turning off background app refresh, and, wherever feasible, substituting Wi-Fi for cellular data.

Organization and Usefulness

The iPhone 7 Plus offers enough room for apps, pictures, movies, and other stuff with 128GB of storage. Users who consume a lot of media content or those who must save big files for use for business or study will especially benefit from this storage capability.

From professionals who need a strong smartphone for daily duties to students who need a dependable gadget for their studies, the iPhone 7 Plus suits a wide spectrum of UAE consumers. Its simple iOS interface guarantees simplicity of use; its features, Siri and Apple Pay improve its functionality.

iOS Ecosystem and Features

One of the main benefits of the iPhone 7 Plus is belonging to the Apple ecosystem. Users of other Apple products including the Apple Watch, iPad, and MacBook can effortlessly combine their iPhones with them. Features such as Handoff, AirDrop, and iCloud make data sharing and device sync simple.

In the UAE, where many individuals depend on a mix of Apple products for both personal and business use, this integration is quite prized. Additionally supported by the iPhone 7 Plus are innovative technologies including Touch ID, which offers Apple services and safe and quick access to the smartphone.

Prices and Availability in the United Arab Emirates

Excellent value for money comes from the Apple iPhone 7 Plus 128GB Jet Black. Though more modern models are on the market, the 7 Plus is still a reasonably priced choice devoid of performance or feature compromise. It is easily bought since UAE retailers and internet sites have it freely accessible.

Buying a second-hand or refurbished iPhone 7 Plus in the UAE is a good choice for people trying to save even more. Pre-owned devices can still offer a fantastic user experience given their strong build quality and long-running performance.

Client Content and Reviews

UAE customers of the iPhone 7 Plus have given it great marks. Consumers regularly compliment its dependability, outstanding camera quality, and elegant appearance. Usually connected to the normal wear and tear of older gadgets, common complaints are small.

Customer satisfaction is still strong generally, which reflects the iPhone 7 Plus’s ongoing attractiveness. UAE consumers, who value the mix of luxury and utility it presents, still find resonance in its shape and purpose.

Apple iPhone 7 Plus 128GB Jet Black Good in the UAE


For good reason, the Apple iPhone 7 Plus 128GB Jet Black stays a great pick in the UAE. Even now, its attractive design, strong performance, great camera capabilities, and flawless integration inside the iOS environment make it a convincing choice. Whether your level of education is that of a student, professional, or someone who just values a well-made smartphone, the iPhone 7 Plus presents the ideal fusion of performance and design.


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